What is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (lupus) is an autoimmune disease that may affect any organ system including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs and nervous system.

The peak incidence of lupus occurs between the ages of 15-40, but can present at any age. The male to female (from puberty to menopause) ratio is about 1:9. The prevalence is ~ 85/100,000 in the United States. There are 2-3 times higher rates in African-, Hispanic, Native- and Asian- American populations.

Kidney involvement is one of the most common complications of untreated lupus. 95-99% of patients with lupus will have an Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) test positive. However, not everyone with an ANA positive test will have lupus, as ANA tests may be positive in other diseases or may be false positive (especially as individuals age).

Lupus Symptoms

  • Types of rashes such as malar or “butterfly” rash on the cheeks, discoid lupus or subacute cutaneous lupus

  • Hair loss

  • Joint pain/swelling

  • Lymph node swelling,

  • Fatigue and fevers

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Pregnancy complications

  • Chest pain and/or shortness of breath

  • Skin sensitivity to the sun

  • Blood clots

  • Hands turning white/blue in the cold (Raynaud’s)

  • Laboratory abnormalities such as anemia and/or low white blood cell count and/or low platelets

Lupus Treatments

Hydroxychloroquine is an important medication used to treat patients with lupus. Other medications include immunosuppressants that may be given to help treat the specific organ related symptoms.

Dr. Jain, a rheumatologist located in Westchester County, evaluates each patient carefully in whom lupus is suspected. She takes a thorough and detailed patient history and exam to look for any subtle clues to help in the diagnosis. She may also check certain lab tests and urinalysis to evaluate the kidney. Most importantly, she understands that lupus is a chronic condition that may affect different facets of an individual’s life. Therefore, she approaches each patient as a person, with a tailored and innovative plan to deliver the highest quality care. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Jain, lupus specialist →

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